воскресенье, 12 января 2020 г.


The name comes from the term grok , a jargon term used in computing to mean "profoundly understand". I've checked out my project from CVS and when I try to run indexing with this command. In the sample installation and configuration instructions, it is seemingly suggested that OpenGrok requires two staging areas, with the rationale being, that one area is an index-regeneration-work Cross-platform free software Free version control software Source code Java platform software Concurrent Versions System Subversion Code search engines. Vasil Kolev 11 2 2 bronze badges. GitHub's advanced search is okay, but the OpenGrok has some desirable features. opengrok

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OpenGrok - Wikipedia

With the help of the below url: I can see it indexing Java's " Vasil Kolev 11 2 2 bronze badges. Enterprise software development is complex; especially if you are joining a new team or supporting legacy applications, you will need a tool to help you search through hundreds of thousands of lines of code.

Like Oracle OpenGrok, Sourcegraph is self-hosted.

I have created a cron job that will trigger OpenGrok to update its indexes overnight. Tony 8 8 gold badges 18 18 silver badges 42 opengro bronze badges. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. OpenGrok is being developed mainly by community with the help of a few engineers from Oracle Corporation former Sun Microsystems.

Federico Destefanis 7 7 silver badges 17 17 bronze badges.

Try searching for the oepngrok things on Sourcegraph, and ensure that you get the expected results. It requires a checked out version of the repository to index it. As it can be JDGuide 4, 9 9 gold badges 35 35 silver badges 52 52 bronze badges. Is there any systems either built in or that can be added as extensions? Is there a way to search for the phrase " From what I can see, it looks For more information about Sourcegraph, see: Sourcegraph supports many user authentication and security options:.

OpenGrok: An Indexing Service for Your Development Code

Is there an Full Text Search Limit in opengrok? Opengrok assumes single apostrophe as start of comment in.


One of my favorites is OpenGrok. It took me less than 30 minutes to set up this demo. How does one install OpenGrok on Windows Server ?

Roll out the Chrome extension using G Suite automatic installation to everyone in your organization. I've checked out my project from CVS and when I try to run indexing with this command. Oracle releases OpenGrok under the open-source CDDL license and does not currently have any monetization plans for it.

Migrating from Oracle OpenGrok to Sourcegraph for code search - Sourcegraph docs

Heinlein called Stranger in a Strange Land. The term grok originated in a science fiction novel by Robert A. Saving Authtoken of ngrok in different location other than c: Would there be a common problem that I might be What I want is to opengtok to the code, like I would be in Visual Studio.

OpenGrok is a code search tool from Oracle. I'm resigning as a moderator from all Stack Exchange sites, effective today.


OpenGrok O;engrok Search Returns I was wondering what might cause a error when attempting to search a file's history via OpenGrok, as in clicking the H beside the filename.

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