четверг, 9 января 2020 г.


Just for your information, the problem is solemnly with our web site, there is nothing wrong on your side. And it is the very first one, the Zlin city stage. Done - the changelog is here Then all others will see link to your channel in "On track" table on main page Enjoy it! There are still only 4 cars allowed, but if no serious error occures, I am going to add all other NGP cars eventually. I would like to ask you if you could fill this survey about active RBR drivers. For the list of cars going to be updated, check forum. rbr gauger plugin

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New NGP plugin V3. I will take care of all running tournaments. You can download all files from here.

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Thanks for your understanding and patince. How long do you play RBR?

And it is the very first one, the Zlin city stage. The old version will be still available, but the only supported version will be 5. Until the new cars are deployed, please choose both NGP 3.

Modificare Gauger Plugin e Indicatore Marce Originale - Forum

pougin Have you tried recently to watch pluign tournament live? I would like to ask you if you could fill this survey about active RBR drivers. You can find Install guide here. And good news - the no changes in car physics or setups are necessary. Check the project web pagethe progress looks very promising! For the list of cars going to be updated, check forum.

SS Rally School Mix. We are sorry for the outage yesterday, the problem was hopefuly fixed and everything should run smoothly now. I will let you know when the update is finished.

Gauger Plugin | RaceDepartment - Latest Formula 1, Motorsport, and Sim Racing News

If you want to stream RBR when playing tournaments with our plugin, it is just for you. And have you clicked on Twitch icon at some driver there? Changes are deployed - 8 new cars, 34 updated. The car pack is ready, I will deploy it here pluin Sunday July at 7am Update 2: What you need to do: I have also deployed NGP 5. The old version of physics p,ugin be available, but new cars require new physics. Just for your information, the problem is solemnly with our web site, there is nothing wrong on your side.

The problem was found and hopefuly solved, the root cause was plugun Twitch integration. There are still only 4 cars allowed, but if no serious error occures, I am going to add all other NGP cars eventually.

If you encounter any problems, send me a PM or write me a message on forum. Many thanks in advance.

rbr gauger plugin

Huge update of NGP Physics: I will publish the results here when they are available. Try it, I think you will like it: The new physics is already supported here, but all cars will be deployed at once at Sunday morning.

I would like to ask streamers to test it - maybe you will have to reconnect your Twitch account in driver profile.

rbr gauger plugin

We are aware of the problem and we are doing our best to tackle it, but unfortunately, I cannot give you any exact date when it will be solved.

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